The report shows that 8% of Americans hold cryptocurrency, while Turks are 18%, which is the highest.

A survey by the Dutch International bank shows that 8% of the U.S. population has an encrypted currency, while Turkey is 18%, the highest holder.

The International Bank of Holland conducted a survey called “decrypting the encrypted currency”, which interviewed 14,828 respondents from 15 countries to understand each country’s perceptions of the currency and the role of the cryptographic currency in consumer spending and investment.

The survey showed that Turkish respondents (18%) had encrypted currency, while Europe was 9%, the United States was 8%, Australia was 7%, the UK was 6%, and 12% of the Romanian respondents held the digital currency.

According to a survey by ing bank, 18% of Turkey’s population holds an encrypted currency, compared with 8% in America.

A poll by ing bank of the Netherlands found that 35 percent of europeans think bitcoin is the future of online consumption

ING Bank, a Dutch-based Dutch banking and financial services company, visited the 14828 respondents from 15 countries to learn about each. The state’s perception of cryptocurrencies and the role of cryptocurrencies in consumer spending and investment.

Jessica Exton, a human behavior scientist at the Dutch International Bank’s consumer economics team, believes that about one-third, 35% of Europeans believe that bitcoin is the future of online consumption, while 32% of respondents believe that cryptocurrency is the future of investment. And 29% said they would never invest in cryptocurrency.

As for the risk of crypto-currencies, while 30 per cent thought digital currencies were riskier than equities, 70 per cent said the opposite. Forty-six percent of respondents thought stocks were less risky than encrypted currencies, while 24 percent said they were almost as risky.

The report of the Dutch International Bank concluded that a small number of Europeans would consider using digital assets as a means of payment to pay for coffee (23%), international online shopping (30%) or paying college tuition (20%).

Turkey takes the lead in 15 countries surveyed

The report notes that Turkish and Romanian respondents to online surveys may be biased against young professionals who have more contact with the media and technology.

However, nearly one-fifth of Turkish respondents (18%) hold cryptocurrencies, compared with 9% in Europe, 8% in the US, 7% in Australia and 6% in the UK. 12% of Romanian respondents hold digital currency.