Mobile payment new Experience—a restaurant in London baked QR code on a burger

In London, the Japanese restaurant “Ichibuns” in London’s Chinatown offers a “QR code burger”.

Each beef burger has a point-shaped geometric pattern that is baked on top of the bun, and the customer simply waves the smart phone on it, and the payment information can be sent to the smart phone.

This is a scanned burger! is a new experience coming soon! The restaurant partnered with mobile payment service platform Zapper to launch London’s first “burger brand QR Code”.

It is understood that the QR code burger is designed for the convenience of mobile payment, which is the result of the cooperation between ICHIBUNS and Zapper, a mobile payment service provider.

Don’t worry about the QR Code burger Bread is not safe to eat, because the code is just baked to the top of the bread, so it is completely safe to eat, and more amazing is that it does not affect the taste.