PayPal launches 2018 cross-border shopping report

After surveying more than 34,000 consumers in 31 countries around the world, In its fourth annual global cross-border shopping report, PayPal reveals the consumption of global shoppers, Some of these data are of great guiding significance for cross-border sellers:

In the 31 countries surveyed, about half of the respondents said they would cross-border shopping, the proportion of middle-eastern shoppers surveyed was 70%, and the percentage of African consumers surveyed was 62% of cross-border purchases.

According to the report, 65% of consumers in Ireland buy products at home and abroad, mainly because of the limited range of domestic goods in Ireland.

In addition, 16% of consumer internet shopping is only available on Irish websites, compared with 19% of Irish consumers who are keen to cross-border shopping.

In addition to Irish consumers, shoppers in Australia and Israel are also accustomed to cross-border shopping, accounting for 82% and 79% respectively.

From cross-border shopping, in some of the most popular cross-border e-commerce countries, the number of people using mobile phones and tablet computers to buy more and more, generating almost half of the total net purchase turnover.

According to the survey, global online shopping, through mobile phones and tablets for shopping behavior, the United States has 45% of users, China has 53% of netizens use, India has 48% of netizens use.

The exception is Eastern Europe, where the volume of online purchases using mobile phones or tablets accounts for only 30% or more of the total turnover. From a global perspective, cross-border online shopping is mainly done on the computer.

The PayPal survey points out that cross-border e-commerce sellers must start with the following 4 areas to increase their global sales opportunities:

1.Establish competitive pricing. The pursuit of low prices is the leading cause of cross-border shopping for most consumers (72%). Cross-border sellers with competitive prices and the ability to provide consumers with appropriate discounts will have a greater chance of winning the competition in the global context.

2. Offer unique merchandise. The second reason consumers cross-border online shopping is to buy goods that their country cannot buy (49%) or to discover new and interesting goods (34%). Therefore, it is particularly important for sellers to purchase goods with unique characteristics.

3. Provide local currency payment options。Three-quarters of the consumers surveyed preferred to pay in local currency, with 60 percent checking the currency before buying.

4. Let the consumer feel the peace of mind. When choosing a payment method, cross-border shoppers are most concerned with the “security of Payment Methods” (44%). In addition, consumers want to be able to wait for the goods to arrive at home (24%), and value whether the seller can make it easy for them to return (22%) in case of need.