2018 Philippine online payment performance is gratifying – total amount increased by 32%

According to the Philippine (Manila Bulletin) reported on June 28, research shows that 55% of Filipinos are increasingly using online payments, and total spending has increased from 95.2 billion pesos (about 11.5 billion yuan) in 2017. In 1218, 121.9 billion pesos (about 15.1 billion yuan), an increase of 32%.

According to the 2018 Cross-Bound Consumer Survey conducted by PayPal, growth is mainly due to online shopping convenience, more purchase platforms and faster shipping speeds.

It is worth noting that in the international online shopping survey conducted by smartphones, the Philippines ranks third among countries in the Asia-Pacific region, second only to India and China.

Abhinav Kumar, head of strategic partnerships at PayPal Southeast Asia, said that with the strong growth of smartphone users, online shopping will continue to grow.

The main products of cross-border online shopping in the Philippines include clothing, shoes, hats, electronics and cosmetics.

Although cross-border online shopping is very popular in the Philippines, it still faces some challenges.

33% of consumers believe that transportation costs are the biggest obstacle to cross-border online shopping, 31% of consumers think that tariffs are too high, and 28% of consumers think that returning goods is difficult.

Of course, these challenges exist in many countries. For international trade, we have always advocated the spirit of openness and cooperation.