Japanese government May Day holiday promotes cashless payment

Image source: unsplash.com

With the rapid development of IT technology, cashless has gradually become the global standard of settlement means. For a long time, Japan, as a developed country, has lagged behind in the development of cashless payment business.

In order to improve the convenience of consumers and the production efficiency of enterprises, the Japanese government will vigorously popularize cashless payment.

According to the Japan News Agency, During the upcoming 10-day May Day holiday in Japan, people may be able to live comfortably without cash.

The cashless Promotion Association, composed of the Ministry of Economy, property and Industry of Japan and various local governments and enterprises, announced on 13th that the campaign will focus on the 10-day “golden week without cash” from late April to popularize the cashless lifestyle.

It is reported that three Banks and credit card companies will take part in the activity, and they plan to help promote the cashless payment method by increasing the rate of points at shopping or issuing discount coupons. Another 40 Japanese companies are also introducing a “QR Code” payment function.
On the 29th of this month, major Japanese companies will also hold activities to promote cash-free payment methods.

In recent days, in anticipation of the arrival of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the Japanese service industry is vigorously promoting the “cashless payment” business development.

If more stores in catering and shopping support cashless payment, the convenience of consumers and the operating efficiency of stores will be improved.

At the same time, it is convenient for tourists from China, South Korea and other countries to use cashless payment.