Apple, Samsung, Google’s payment market share research report released, Apple Pay occupancy rate of 77%

For most debit card users, Apple Pay is the number one choice for digital wallets, according to the latest data from the consulting firm Auriemma Consulting Group.

Auriemma’s survey of debit card issuers shows that Apple Pay accounts for 77% of mobile payment wallet transactions. By contrast, its main rival Samsung Pay and Google pay accounted for 17% and 6% of the turnover, respectively.

One obvious advantage of Apple pay’s dominance is that its user base is bigger.

In the three major mobile payment applications, Apple pay was the first listed payment application in 2014 and has been widely used for promotion. Especially among debit card users, the penetration rate is very high.

Auriemma Corporate debit card management Roundtable aimed at providing information sharing for product executives, Anita Solaman Anita Solaman, a press release, said: “The high usage rate of debit card users may be related to user statistics and distribution structure. Apple users are getting younger, and younger consumers are more likely to become debit card users. ”

While Apple Pay has the largest market share, Samsung Pay users use the most frequently.

In fact, Samsung Pay users make an average of 7.3 transactions per month, while Apple Pay and Google pay users have only 5.5 transactions per month.

The higher engagement of Samsung Pay users may have been influenced by the service’s wider acceptance of the market.

Unlike Apple Pay and Google pay, which supports NFC-only readers, Samsung pay not only supports NFC readers, it is also compatible with traditional magnetic stripe card readers that are still in use by many businesses.

Another thing to be concerned about is that Samsung’s mobile phone prices are a little cheaper than Apple’s, with Samsung’s mobile phone having a higher share, which is why Samsung Pay is used more frequently.